Knights of Alcea

Review by Molly Martin , Reviews by Molly

Knights of Alcea: Book One of Demonstone Chronicles by Richard S. Tuttle


Entertaining Read ... Recommended ... 5 stars

With Knights of Alcea Book One Demonstone Chronicles writer Tuttle continues his series based on another world. As a tribute to his ability Writer Tuttle renders another compelling fantasy tale. With the words in the ongoing saga of the Demonstone Chronicles series Tuttle aptly accomplishes a feat that is difficult for any writer. He creates new tales successfully interwoven into the framework of the old and moves his series forward. Filled with keenly developed circumstances, inhabitants, locales and customs Tuttle sustains his accustomed commendable work. Readers have come to expect gritty scenes and gritty dialogue presented in an spine tingling manner. Knights of Alcea vibrates with excitement in this keenly focused account. Readers are catapulted along on an excited ramble filled with fast paced exchange, interwoven story lines, and an excellently masterminded theme in this recital of conflict, perfidiousness and manipulation. Antagonism abounds and is appropriately determined to reader gratification.

As was found in each of his previous works; Richard Tuttle’s flowing imaginativeness again carries the reader on an thrilling journey filled with many of the characters we have come to expect. Tuttle introduces several new ones. The amicable are nifty, the villains are really unlikable louts. I hope we will see more of Bin-Lu soon. And I was pleased to find Prince Midge is again out and about. He is one of this reviewer’s fav characters of the series.

Knights of Alcea Book One Demonstone Chronicles is a spine tingling read wherein the reader is drawn right into the turmoil by Tuttle’s clever use of language. Knights of Alcea is sure to please all who enjoy a rousing fantasy complete with quest, hero, magik and excitement. This is an excellent choice for the upper grade youngster’s and young adult’s pleasure reading shelf. Knights of Alcea has a place on the home library shelf as well as the school library. All who enjoy the genre are sure to find the work more than acceptable.

Enjoyed the read, happy to recommend.

Synopsis: (May reveal much of the plot)

The narrative opens with what appears to be a senseless death in the village of Hega. Hega was a small town in the Cordonian Province of Alcea. Karl Gree was away hunting, his wife Lyda remained at home and was a witness to the carnage. From that beginning the reader is carried to the Imperial Palace of Lanoir where another strange death will set the scene for even more upset for the people. The reader is introduced to Bin-lu who is not all that he seems at first glance, to Wei-ra who also has some secrets and to Rut-ki an instructor of martial arts. King Arik, special records to peruse, Queen Tanya and the Royal Palace in Tagaret all move the story along. Rumor of war, feelings of entitlement amongst the people and a meeting with Larc will add to the excitement. Spiders are known to have sources of information not available to others. A new religion is developing in the land, how it figures in the matter is unknown. Perhaps it doesn’t figure at all. Prince Midge receives instructions regarding his army of fairies, unicorns glide through the night sky and elven Prince Garong is presented with a exigency. The reader joins the quest, the Knights of Alcea are once again on the move and Alex sets out for Zara before the tale reaches it zenith.






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